Shibu PG, a talented designer from Kochi, has embarked on an exciting project that involves merging icons of two distinct objects to form a unique and visually appealing logo that represents the brand name. These logos are not only creative but also offer a captivating representation of the brand they represent.
Let’s take a look at some examples from Shibu’s project:
1. Bird Vision
Bird Vision’s logo is an exquisite blend of a bird and an eye. The seamless integration of these two elements creates a logo that perfectly embodies the brand’s name.
2. Fox Garage
3. Owl Rider
4. EleWine
5. Fox Love
6. Flight Kid Express
7. Penguin Love
8. Wine Bear
9. Hippo Gamer
10. Rabbit Family
11. Dead Quote
12. Dog Family
13. Gallop Pizza
Using the powerful Adobe Illustrator software, Shibu takes the art of logo creation to a whole new level.
If you know someone who is passionate about design, make sure to share this post with them. Don’t forget to leave your comments below and let us know your thoughts on these remarkable logos!
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