On a plane are a lawyer and an elderly person.

Setting the Scene

On a long flight, a lawyer and a senior citizen find themselves seated next to each other. The lawyer, presuming seniors to be easy targets, devises a plan to outsmart the elderly passenger.

The Lawyer’s Game Proposal

Despite the senior’s desire to rest, the lawyer persists, proposing a game. “I ask you a question. If you don’t know the answer, you pay me $5. Then, you ask me one. If I don’t know, I pay you $500,” he explains, aiming to engage the senior.

The Game Begins

Eager to quiet the lawyer, the senior reluctantly agrees. The lawyer starts with a question: “What’s the distance from the Earth to the Moon?” Without a word, the senior hands over $5, stunning the lawyer.

The Senior’s Turn

Now it’s the senior’s turn. He asks, “What goes up a hill with three legs and comes down with four?” Intrigued, the lawyer exhausts all his resources—searching online, emailing friends—but fails to find an answer after an hour.

The Unexpected Answer

Frustrated, the lawyer wakes the senior and pays him $500. Satisfied, the senior takes the money and resumes his sleep. The lawyer, unable to let it go, wakes the senior again and demands the answer.

The Conclusion

Nonchalantly, the senior hands over $5 and returns to sleep, leaving the lawyer baffled and restless.

This humorous tale illustrates the wit and cunning of unexpected adversaries, even at cruising altitude.






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