My In-Laws Bribed Me to Leave Their Daughter Because They Considered Me ‘Unworthy of Her’ – They Were Astonished by the Results of Their Scheme

When Jake first notices Emily during a theater performance, he instantly realizes he needs to know her more. However, Emily’s parents are critical of their professions, asserting that a hopeful actress and a screenwriter have no future. It’s after the pair ties the knot that her parents attempt to pay Jake to leave.

The first time I saw Emily, she was on the stage, acting in a university play.

Her presence was captivating. I was absolutely mesmerized. As the lights dimmed and the curtains closed, I knew I had to meet her.

Little did I know, she felt the same connection.

After the performance, I summoned the courage to approach her.

“Hi, I’m Jake,” I said, my heart racing. “You were amazing up there.”

“Thank you,” she responded with a warm smile that reached her eyes. “I’m Emily. I haven’t seen you around. Are you a student here?”

“Yes, I’m studying screenwriting,” I said, trying to remain calm despite my excitement. “I would love to write something for you someday.”

Emily’s eyes lit up.

“That sounds fantastic! I’ve always wanted to be involved in a project from the beginning,” she said.

From that night, we were inseparable.

Emily, aiming to be an actress, and I, an aspiring scriptwriter, bonded over our shared dreams.

After graduation, we packed our bags and moved to a new place to pursue those dreams. Emily landed a few roles, while I began writing scripts, hoping one would be picked up.

“Don’t worry,” she said one evening as I massaged her shoulders. “Success takes time, but you’re working hard and that’s what matters.”

I nodded.

“I know,” I said. “It’s the waiting that gets to me. But I’m always writing, so that’s progress.”

We supported each other through every challenge, but Emily’s parents were a continuous source of strife. They disapproved of our career choices.

“They’re very old-fashioned,” Em said one day while cooking. “They believe I should have married a rich man and become a stay-at-home wife. My mother thinks I shouldn’t act either.”

“Your mother is irrational,” I said, opening a soda can. “She just dislikes that you’re with someone who writes stories for a living.”

“She wants me to be her clone, but I want the exact opposite,” Emily said.

A few months later, I proposed to Emily.

“I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Em,” I said. “You’re the one for me.”

But when we announced our engagement, Emily’s parents’ disapproval turned into outright hostility.

Her father, a successful businessman, and her mother, a socialite, made it clear they didn’t support our future.

“This won’t last,” Mrs. Hastings said one evening during dinner. “You both need to think about your desires seriously. Jake, have you earned anything from your writing, or do you live off of Emily’s inheritance?”

Emily’s jaw dropped.

“Mom! That is completely inappropriate,” she exclaimed.

“Please try to understand,” I said to them. “We’re committed to each other, and we’re getting married.”

Despite their objections, we proceeded with our wedding, hoping they would eventually accept us.

But they didn’t. They remained distant, sporadically seeing us.

“I told them to stay away,” Emily said as we walked along the beach one evening. “I told them their interference was unhelpful.”

“I know,” I agreed. “But I don’t want you to lose your bond with them because they disapprove of me.”

“Jake,” she said, holding my arm. “I’ve chosen you.”

Months went by, and Em and I built our lives together. We rehearsed her lines for auditions, and I read my work to her while writing.

We were slowly making progress, our names gaining recognition.

But then, the Hastings introduced a twist to our lives.

One evening, Mr. Hastings called me in private.

“Jake,” he said tersely over the phone. “We need to meet. Tonight at the country club. Don’t inform Emily.”

I arrived at the club and found them waiting with stern expressions.

Mrs. Hastings tapped her manicured nails on a wine glass.

“Jake,” my father-in-law began. “We’ve considered your situation with Emily. You both seem happy, but we have an offer.”

“What type of offer?” I asked, feeling a sense of dread.

My mother-in-law leaned in, her eyes cold.

“We’ll pay you, Jake,” she said.

“Pay me?” I asked. “For what?”

“We’ll give you a significant amount of money to divorce Emily. In return, you will tell her you cheated and leave her life forever. With this money, you can fund your first film.”

I was stunned.

The audacity of their proposal left me speechless. But as I sat there, an idea started forming.

“Alright,” I said eventually. “I’ll do it. But I want the money upfront.”

Mr. Hastings smirked, clearly satisfied with himself. “Let’s toast to it then.”

He signaled for the waiter to bring more wine for his wife and two whiskies for us.

That night, I returned home to Em, needing to disclose everything.

“Emily,” I said, stepping into the living room where she was reading. “We need to talk.”

“What happened? Are you ok?” she asked, concern growing in her eyes.

“I met with your parents tonight,” I began, watching her expression shift. “They offered me money to divorce you. They want me to say I cheated and then leave.”

My wife gasped.

“What? How could they do that?” she asked.

“Listen, Em,” I said, putting the kettle on. “They think I’m unworthy of you. But I have a plan. We’ll use their money to make our movie and tell our story.”

I turned, and Emily was right beside me. Her eyes softened as she took my hand.

“Are you sure?” she asked.

“Yes. We’ll expose their manipulation,” I said. “We’ll prove love and creativity can’t be bought or controlled.”

In the next few weeks, Emily moved out, and I plunged into directing our film, using her parents’ money.

Emily’s family rallied around her, casting me as the villain who discarded his greatest love.

Finally, the premiere day came.

“Please come,” I invited Emily’s parents, ensuring they had front-row seats.

The theater was packed.

The film began, and the audience was instantly captivated. It was a tale of love, betrayal, and resilience.

As the story unfolded, it became apparent that the plot closely resembled our real-life events.

At the climax, Emily appeared on screen. The real Emily. She faced the camera, her eyes filled with emotion, and spoke.

“This is our story,” she said. “Jake and I never separated. We’ve been together throughout. We devised this plan to reveal the truth.”

The audience murmured in surprise, and I saw shock cross Emily’s parents’ faces.

“Thank you all for coming. This film isn’t just a story, it’s our reality,” I said as the curtains closed.

“We want to acknowledge my parents for their significant contribution, without which this film wouldn’t exist. We hope this movie highlights the extents of love and truth.”

Mr. and Mrs. Hastings sat in stunned silence, publicly exposed—a blow Mrs. Hastings would never forget.

Emily and I exited the stage feeling triumphant. We had turned their malicious plan into a testament to our love and determination.

We had won. And Emily’s parents finally left us in peace.

What would you have done?







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