An elderly woman is stopped by police for speeding.

A Cop Stops an Old Lady for Speeding

A police officer pulls over an elderly lady for speeding one afternoon.

“Afternoon, ma’am. May I see your license and registration?” he asks.

Without a word, she hands him the requested items. As the officer examines her papers, he notices her age.

An Unexpected Surprise

The old lady isn’t just elderly—she looks to be in her mid-90s. The officer is surprised that someone her age was speeding so comfortably. While checking her license, he notices she has a permit to carry a concealed weapon.

Out of curiosity, he asks, “Ma’am, are you carrying a weapon now?”

She nods and calmly reaches into her purse to reveal a .22 caliber pistol.

More Than Meets the Eye

The officer is both amused and shocked. He never imagined that this tiny old lady would be armed. Wondering if there might be more, he asks, “Do you have any other weapons?”

With another nod, she reaches into the center console between the driver’s and passenger’s seats. She pulls out a snub-nosed revolver.

Astonishing Discoveries

The officer is amazed that this 90-year-old woman is driving around with multiple guns. He decides to ask one more time, “Are there any more weapons?”

The woman nods again. She reaches into the glove compartment and pulls out a Colt .45.

A Fearless Response

At this point, the officer’s curiosity is piqued. He asks the old lady, “What in the world are you so afraid of?”

She turns, looks him straight in the eye, and replies confidently, “Not a damn thing.”






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