Man Shares Final Message before Choosing Euthanasia

Warning: This article contains references to death and euthanasia which some users may find distressing.

Man Who Died By Euthanasia Earlier Today Shared Poignant Final Message

In a powerful final message, Scott Hollingshed, a man from Australia, shared his reasons for choosing euthanasia before ending his life. This decision was made possible under the new voluntary assisted dying (VAD) laws in New South Wales (NSW) hospital.

According to these laws, euthanasia is only available to residents older than 18, who have an advanced illness or disease that will lead to death in less than 12 months. Additionally, individuals must be of sound mind and free from any external influence or pressure.

Hollingshed had been diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer back in June, and his condition rapidly deteriorated. Given six months to live, he was informed that treatment options were limited. Chemotherapy was deemed too intense for his body, and other treatments offered no hope of a cure, only temporary relief.

Given his circumstances, Hollingshed wanted to have a say in how his life ended, choosing to do so “with dignity.” Speaking about his decision, he shared his perspective on watching his father pass away in hospice care. The experience changed his outlook, and he didn’t want to subject himself or his loved ones to the pain and suffering that often accompanies a terminal illness.

Hollingshed expressed his admiration and love for his incredible partner, whom he deeply regretted leaving behind. While he wasn’t scared of dying, he expressed concern for the impact it would have on his partner. Reflecting on their relationship, he made a heartfelt comment about the daily struggles he faced, such as his partner having to help him put on his socks.

Earlier today, Hollingshed’s life came to an end, as confirmed in a statement posted on his official Facebook page. The statement expressed his gratitude that his journey could touch others and inspire compassion and love. It encouraged readers to embrace their own journey, be kind, and make a positive difference in someone’s life.

Before his passing, Hollingshed posted a personal video message, urging his followers to love and support one another and to care about what truly matters. This poignant message served as a reminder of the importance of human connection.

Following the announcement, Hollingshed’s friend, Kellie Lott, started a fundraiser to assist Hollingshed’s partner after his death. The fundraiser has already raised over $6,000 AUD ($4,000), highlighting the generosity and compassion of those touched by Hollingshed’s story.

Scott Hollingshed’s final message resonates deeply, reminding us to cherish our loved ones, cherish our time, and cherish the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of others.






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