My MIL Тhоught I Wаs Nоt Веаutiful Еnоugh fоr Неr Sоn, Sо I Еntеrеd а Веаuty Соntеst tо Win thе Сrоwn — Stоry оf thе Dаy

My MIL was never satisfied with me. She made a million remarks every time we met, and I felt clumsy. But that day, her usual nitpicking crossed the line. Gertrude declared that I wasn’t beautiful enough for her son. That was the last straw, and I entered a beauty contest! But even there, she continued to sabotage me.David and I had recently returned from our honeymoon, and our life together was filled with love and happiness. However, my mother-in-law,

Gertrude, never took me seriously. She criticized me constantly, no matter what I did. Even that evening, during dinner, she found faults in everything.”Grace, dear, have you ever tried seasoning the soup with thyme? It would improve the flavor significantly,” Gertrude’s tone dripping with condescension. I forced a smile. “I’ll keep that in mind, Gertrude.” David, oblivious to the tension, looked up from his plate and said, “I think the soup is perfect, Grace.”Gertrude’s eyes narrowed slightly. “The presentation of the food on the plates could be more refined. And that lipstick, my dear, it really doesn’t suit your skin tone.” I bit my lip, trying to maintain my composure. “I’ll consider that next time,” I murmured, feeling my cheeks flush.David, as usual, didn’t notice the tension. He was often lost in his business thoughts. “Sorry, ladies, I have to check my email. I’m expecting an important letter,” he added, apologizing as he left.Once he was gone, Gertrude turned to me, her smile vanishing. “Grace, you must understand. You’re not beautiful enough for my son.” Her words hit me likе a punch to the gut. I felt a lump form in my throat but managed to nod. Without saying a word, I left the hose and retreated to my small atelier, a place that brought me immense joy.Designing and sewing clothes was my passion, but even this, Gertrude belittled, considering it an undignified occupation for someone in her family. As I sat there, feeling dejected, I noticed an invitation from a friend to a beauty contest she was organizing. I picked it up, reading the details. Despite my doubts, I decided to enter. I needed to prove my worth, not just to Gertrude, but to myself.The following weeks were a whirlwind of activity.






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