The ongoing debate on tipping etiquette

A video posted by a server on TikTok has sparked a heated debate about tipping. In the video, the server claims that those who can’t afford to tip 20% “don’t deserve to eat out.” This controversial statement has garnered significant attention and divided opinions.

Server says that people who can’t afford to tip 20% ‘don’t deserve to eat out’

Tipping norms vary across countries

Tipping customs differ greatly between countries. In the United States, tipping is not only a custom but also necessary for servers to make a living. On the other hand, in the UK, restaurant staff receive a decent wage, and tipping is not compulsory. However, it is interesting to note that the server in question, @mylasoasis_, earns a meager $3.63 per hour, highlighting the reliance on tips to sustain a living.

The challenges faced by servers

Being a server is more than just a job; it is a way to make ends meet for the day. @mylasoasis_ aired her frustrations online to shed light on this issue. In her video, she made a thought-provoking statement: “Eating out is a privilege, not a right. If you cannot afford to tip 20%, you can’t afford to eat out.” She further explained that her earnings predominantly come from tips because her hourly wages are significantly low.

Tipping: A societal expectation

The expectation to tip is deeply ingrained in American dining culture. Menu prices are intentionally set lower, with the understanding that customers will provide a tip for the service received. @mylasoasis_ drew a comparison to a nanny job, stating that if someone can’t afford to pay the nanny’s entire salary, they don’t deserve a nanny. Similarly, if someone can’t afford to tip, they shouldn’t dine out. The alternative options would be ordering takeout or visiting more affordable establishments.

Diverse responses to the server’s claims

Reactions to the server’s video have varied widely. While some people criticized her statements, others empathized with her predicament. One commenter suggested that the burden of fair compensation lies with the employers, not the customers. They proposed that the restaurant system needs an overhaul to ensure fair wages for all.

Another comment highlighted the need to change the tipping culture in North America. By eliminating tipping, restaurant owners will be compelled to pay their employees a fair wage. However, some commenters placed the responsibility on the servers themselves, emphasizing the importance of good service and appreciation for tips.

A global perspective on tipping

Various commenters pointed out that in many developed countries, hospitality workers earn a fair minimum wage, eliminating the need for tipping. They argued that the system, not the customers, should be held accountable for fair compensation.

The ongoing debate surrounding tipping etiquette continues to be a topic of interest, shedding light on the challenges faced by servers and raising questions about societal norms and expectations.






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