A woman experiences 11 minutes in heaven and hell and returns with an important warning.

Woman’s Harrowing Journey to the Afterlife

A woman claims she temporarily died and experienced a horrifying visit to “hell.” Acting as a messenger, she shared her unbearable journey and warned those who don’t change their ways about the consequences.

Shocking News at a Check-Up

In 2019, Charlotte Holmes had a routine check-up with her cardiologist when shocking news emerged. During the appointment, her blood pressure soared to 234/134, far above the normal range of 120/80, indicating a hypertensive crisis. The doctor told her she was “not going home” and admitted her to the hospital to lower her blood pressure.

“It’s got to come down,” her heart doctor warned. “You’re either having another stroke or about to have a heart attack.”

Hospitalization and Immediate Crisis

The elderly woman was placed in a room and hooked up to an IV to relax her blood vessels. Her husband, Danny, watched anxiously as doctors tended to her.

“Immediately they called this code, and everybody rushed in,” Danny recalls. “I wondered if I would ever bring her home.”

Then Charlotte began talking about “the flowers.”

“There were no flowers in that room. That’s when I knew she wasn’t in this world,” Danny said.

An Out-of-Body Experience

Charlotte’s heart stopped, and according to both her and Danny, she was clinically dead for 11 minutes. “I was above my body. I could see Danny standing in the corner,” Charlotte described. “I saw nurses around. When I opened my eyes, I looked around at the beauty – the trees, the grass swaying with the music. Heaven is beyond imagination.”

Guided by Angels

She shared that angels guided her into heaven, where she felt “pure joy.” “When the angels take over, there is no fear,” she explained. She reunited with deceased family members, saying, “I saw my mom, dad, and sister standing behind.”

Next, she was blinded by a bright light. “I couldn’t look upon it, but I knew it was God. I saw a toddler and wondered, ‘Who is this?’” She learned it was the child she miscarried decades ago.

“I remember them saying, ‘Charlotte, it’s a boy.’ I asked God how that was possible. He said, ‘They continue to grow in heaven. There’s no time; it’s eternity.’ After 48 years, our child was now a toddler.”

A Harrowing Vision of Hell

Her guide, whom she called “God,” showed her something else. “God took me to the edge of hell, and the smell of rotten flesh hit me. It was horrifying. After witnessing heaven’s beauty, the contrast of hell was almost unbearable.”

Charlotte felt compelled to warn others about hell’s horrors for those who refuse to change their ways. “This is where they shall reside,” she heard before she was instructed to return to her body “and share.”

Returning to Life

After 11 minutes, Charlotte awoke and described her return: “I felt myself drawn back into my body. I felt pain where I hadn’t before.” Danny knew she would come home when he saw her blink.

Charlotte recovered and shared her story until she passed away at 72 on November 28, 2023. She leaves behind her husband of 52 years, her daughter Chrystal Holmes Meek, two grandkids, and one great-grandchild.

A Heartfelt Tribute

In a touching tribute, Danny wrote on Facebook, “It is so hard for me to give up this beautiful lady after 52 amazing years. When she died in 2019 and got a glimpse of heaven, her life changed until God called her home. Her journey has ended.”

As Charlotte once said, “I can look you square in the eye and tell you for sure, heaven is real.”

What do you think of Charlotte Holmes’ experience in heaven and her vision of hell? Share your thoughts with us and spread the story so others can weigh in!






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